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fmdÿ m‍%jdykh Ndú;d lrk ck;djf.a iqN isoaêh fjkqfjka ieye,a¨ ÿïßh moaO;shla y÷kajd§u i|yd uydk.r yd niakdysr ixj¾Ok wud;HdxYh ls‍%hd lrñka isák nj;a  ta hgf;a ÿïßh ud¾. 07 la y÷kdf.k ;sfnk nj;a uydk.r wud;HdxYfha w;sf¾l f,alï udOj ffjoHr;ak uy;d mjihs' 

tu ud¾. 7 ka tla ud¾.hla cmka rcfha wdOdr we;sj chsld uQ,Hhkh hgf;a ls‍%hd;aul lsÍug lghq;= isÿ fjk w;r tys YLH;d wOHk lghq;= fï jk úg wjika lr we;s njo f,alïjrhd i|yka lr isà'

tys§ jeäÿrg;a woyia oelajQ w;sf¾l f,alïjrhd" wfkl=;a ud¾. 6 meflac ;=kla f,i ixj¾Okh fldg fm!oa.,sl yd rdcH yjq,aldÍ moku hgf;a ls‍%hd;aul lsÍughs wms n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjkafka' fï i|yd wNs,dIh le|ùfï § úfoaYSh iud.ï 17 la fï i|yd leue;a; m<fldg ;sfnkjd' fï iud.ï w;ßka wms jvd;a iqÿiq iud.ï 6 la f;dardf.k fuu iud.ï 6 fj;ska wdfhdack ie,iqï le|ùfï C%shdj,sh wms wdrïN l<d' tu iud.ï i|yd wjYH wdfhdack le|ùfï igyk Tjqka   fj; ,nd§u ;=<ska Tjqkaf.a wOHhk úYaf,aIK lghq;= j,ska wk;=rej wdfhdack ie,iqï wmfj; ,nd§u i|yd 2019 fmnrjdß ui olajd Tjqkg ld,h ,nd§ ;sfnkjd' bka miqj tu wod, iud.u f;dardf.k fuu jevigyk ls‍%hd;aul lsÍu i|yd 2019 w. Nd.h jk úg n,dfmdfrd;a;= fjk njo mejiSh'

tu meflac ;=k hgf;a" tla ieye,a¨ ÿïßh ud¾.hla rd.u" lvj;" fldgqj" nïn,msáh yryd lsre,mk olajd ls'ñ' 33 la È.e;s ud¾.hl=;a" yß; ud¾.h yeáhg le<Ksh" fougf.dv" fnd/,a," kdrdfyakamsg" yryd fudrgqj fj; ls'ñ' 28'3 la È.e;sj;a" ks,a meye;s ud¾.h f,i yqKqmsáh gh¾ ykaÈh" fldiaj;a; yryd fldÜgdj fj; ls'ñ' 22'3 la olajd;a isÿ lsÍug kshñ;hs'  fuu ud¾. ;=k fm!oa.,sl ) rdcH yjq,aldÍ moku hgf;a mqoa.,sl wdfhdackh i|yd ,nd fok njo i|yka l< f,alïjrhd jeäÿrg;a mjid isáfha" ta wkqj fld<U yd ;odikak m‍%foaY ish,a,u fuu ieye,a¨ ÿïßh ud¾. moaO;sh u.ska wdjrKh fjk nj;a" fuu.ska u.S ck;djg oekg mj;sk uyd ud¾.j, w;aolsk ;onofhka ñ§ jvd;a ld¾hlaIuj myiqfjka ;ukaf.a .ukd .uk lghq;= isÿlr .ekSfï yelshdj ,efnk njhs'

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