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taldnoaO úmlaIfha isg bÈßm;a l< igka mdG ta wdldrhgu l%shdjg kexúh hq;= nj;a ta wkqj m<uqj isx.mamQrej - Y%S ,xld fj<| .súiqu w;aysgqùug lghq;= lrk f,i md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S úu,a ùrjxY l=uka;%K wdKavqjg fhdackd lr we;s nj cd;sl ksoyia fmruqK wdrxÑud¾. i|yka lrhs'

 bkaÈhdj we;=¿ úfoia rgj,a lsysmhla iuÛ w;aika lr we;s iy oekg iïuq;s we;slrf.k ;sfnk fj<| .súiqï ish,a, h<s i<ld ne,sh hq;= nj;a hymd,k wdKavqfõ wd¾:sl uqf,damdhka jerÈ nj ck;dj ;=< ;yjqre l, yels jkafka túg njg uka;%Sjrhd tys§ m%ldYlr we;s njo oek.kakg we;'

tu mlaIfha wdrxÑud¾. jeäÿrg;a fmkajd fokafka brdkh weußldkq iïndOl fkd;ld weußld tlai;a ckmoh iuÛ iS;, igkl ksr;jk nj;a ta wdo¾Yhg .ksñka cd;Hka;rfha n,mEï fkd;ld lghq;= lsÍfï Yla;sh fï kj wdKavqjg ;sìh hq;= njg oeä ia:djrhl isg ;u kdhlhd lghq;= lrk njh'

tfukau remsh, wjm%udKh ùu j,lajd .ekSug jydu wdkhk NdKav jdrKhla n,mj;ajkakg lghq;= l< hq;= nj;a wdKavqj tjeks ia:djrhlg iQodkï njg m%isoaO lsÍu yryd rg ;=< fukau úfoia rgj,o wdKavqjg tfrysj u;=j ;sfnk úfrdaOh iukh lr.; yels njo Tyq fmkajd§ we;s nj;a jd¾;d fjhs'

fï jk úg;a ta ms<sn| úu,a ùrjxY uka;%Sjrhd j;auka wdKavqfõ isßfiak ckdêm;sj iy w.ue;s uyskaoj fm!oa.,slj oekqj;a oekqj;a lr ;sfnk nj;a  foaYfma%ó wd¾:slhlg wod< fhdackd /ila tys§ fhdackd lr we;s nj;a jeäÿrg;a  wm wdrxÑud¾. i|yka lr isáhs'

gossip , gossip lanka , Sri Lanka gossip, Sri Lanka Sinhala gossip _____________________________________________________________________________________
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