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uyskao rdcmlaI iu. wdKavqjla msys‍gqùug iyh m< lf<a m%;sm;a;suh ldrkd ksid njg me;a; udre l< uka;%Sjre lsysm fofkl= woyia m< l<o meyeÈ,su lrKdj jkafka ;ukag ,enqKq i,a,s u,af,a m%udKh wkqj fuh isÿ l< njh'

ukao uyskao rdcmlaI iy Tyqf.a lKavdhfï m%n,hka talu;slj lshd isákafka ;ukaf.a wjYH;djh b;d blaukskau uy ue;sjrKhla le|ùu njh' fldfydu;a jHjia:dj wkqj;a ;j jeä ld,hla fï md¾,sfïka;=j fkdmj;skafkah'ta wkqj foaYmd,k mlaIhlska Pkaoh b,a,d tu ck;dj mdjd§ me;a; ure l< jqkag fï flá ld,hla ;=,È wÆ;a me;af;ka Pkaohla b,a,d ck;dj yuqjg hd fkdyel' ck;djf.a ms,sl=,g m;a jQjkag froaola we|f.k ;ukag Pkaoh ÿka mdlaIslhka yuqjg hd fkdyel' tajdf.u wÆ;a me;af;a Pkaoodhlhd fj;o hd fkdyel' ukao uqka me;a; udre lf,a i,a,s j,g weue;slï j,g ñila fjk flka f.ählg fkdjk nj Tjqka okakd ksidh' 

fï nj fï me;a; udre l< uka;%Sjre fkdokakjd fkdfõ' l=mam jevla isÿ lr h<s foaYmd,khla l< fkdyels nj fudjqka okafkah' fvd,¾ ñ<shk .kkl i,a,s u,a,la mrïmrd .kklg Tjqkag we;sh' ta ish¿ fokd foaYmd,kfhka úY%du .ekSu wksjd¾hh'

;j;a lhs l;kaor jevla ke;' fï ld,lkaKs foaYmd,k iQÿj rfÜ wkd.;hg kï jevla jkafk ke;' ck;dj le/<s .eish hq;af;a fï ;llaä l%uhg tfrysjh" ue;sjrK m%cd;ka;ajdoh ms,s.kakd rgla yeáhg oeka ;;ajh nrm;, wk;=rla yÛjkakls' ck;d Pkaofhka ‍f;dard fkd.;a wdKavqjlg ck;djf.ka jevla ke;' ck;d b,a,Sï j,ska jevla ke;' taldêm;s ókSure md,khla yer fï wÆ;a md,lhkag Èh yels ,ínla ke;'

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