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l=uka;%K wdKavqfõ w.ue;s uyskao rdcmlaIg tfrysj bÈßm;ajQ úYajdiNx.hg iyhÿka mlaI kdhlhskag Bfha ^14& ckdêm;sjrhd fmkajd§ we;af;a ck;d úuqla;s fmruqK bÈßm;a l< úYajdiNx. fhdackdfõ ffk;sl .eg¿jla we;s neúka th ixfYdaOkh úh hq;= nj;a tfia fkdue;sj ;ukag Bg tlÛ;dj m,l, fkdyels njh'

ta wkqj wod< ixfYdaOk iys;j wod< fhdackdj fyg md¾,sfïka;=jg bÈßm;alr idu; lr fmkajk nj mlaI kdhlhka tlÛj we;s w;r ckdêm;sjrhdo Bg tlÛ;dj m<lr ;sfnkjd'

kuq;a foaYmd,k úpdrlhka fukau kS;s lafIa;%fha m%ùKhka fmkajd fokafka ck;d úuqla;s fmruqK Bfha bÈßm;a l, úYajdiNx. fhdackdfõ i|yka  ,ckdêm;sjrhd ksl=;a l< .eiÜ ksfõok kS;s úfrdaë, nj oelafjk fldgi bj;a lrf.k md¾,sfïka;= nyq;rh fmkajk f,i ckdêm;sjrhd fhdackd lr we;s nj fmfkkakg we;s njhs'


tfiau foaYmd,k úpdrlhka iy kS;s lafIa;%fha m%ùKhka i|yka lr isákafka ck;d úuqla;s fmruqK úiska bÈßm;a l< úYajdiNx. fhdackdfõ i|yka ,ckdêm;sjrhd ksl=;a l< .eiÜ ksfõokh kS;s úfrdaë, nj oelafjk fldgi bj;alr fhdackdj iïu; lr.ekSu wjOdkï iy.; lghq;a;la njhs'

ck;d úuqla;s fmruqK bÈßm;a l< úYajdiNx. fhdackdj 

ta ckdêm;sjrhd 2018 Tlaf;dan¾ 26 isg ksl=;a l< .eiÜ ksfõok kS;s úfrdaë fkdjk njg fuys§ md¾,sfïka;=j ms<s.;fyd;a th fYa%IaGdêlrKfha Bg wod<j meje;afjk uQ,sl whs;sjdislï fm;aiï úNd.hg n,mEula jk ksidh' Tjqka fmkajd fok wdldrhg wod< fldgi bj;alr h<s uyskao rdcmlaI w.ue;sg tfrysj úYajdiNx. fhdackdjla fyda nyq;rh iïnkaO ckao úuiSula yryd Tyqj mrdch l<;a th f;areula ke;s fohla njg m;aúh yel'

ukao ckdêm;s md¾,sfïka;=j úiqrùu jHjia:d úfrdaë fkdjk njg ta jk úg;a iy;slhla ixfYdaê; fhdackdj yryd md¾,sfïka;=j ms<sf.k ;sfnk ksidh' ta wkqj md¾,sfïka;=fõ tu ms<s.ekSu kej; fYa%IaGdêlrKhg bÈßm;a l< úg idlaIshla f,i uq,sl whs;sjdislï fm;aiï m%;slafIam l, hq;= njg ckdêm;sjrhd fjkqfjka fmkS isák kS;sm;sjrhdg fhdod.; yelsh'

tfia jqjfyd;a ckdêm;sjrhdf.a md¾,sfïka;=j úiqrùug wod< .eiÜ m;%h n,d;aul jk f,i fYa%IaGdêlrKh ;Skaÿjla §fï wjOdkula mj;S' túg md¾,sfïka;=j úiqrùu muKla fkdj uy ue;sjrKhla ksfõokh lsÍuo n,d;aul fjhs' ta wkqj ck;d úuqla;s fmruqK bÈßm;a l< úYajdiNx. fhdackdj ixfYdaOkh fkdlsÍu njo Tjqka wjOdrKh lr isáhs'

újdoh Èk .Kkla@

fï w;r kj úYajdi Nx.h md¾,sfïka;= kHdh m;%fha Èk fhdod ie,lsh hq;= Èk .Kkla újdo lsÍfuka miq Pkao úuiSug taldnoaO úmlaIh fhdackd lr we;ehs tys wNHka;r wdrxÑud¾. mjihs'

md¾,sfïka;=fõ nyq;rh we;akï th ;ukag kshudkql+, wdldrfhka fmkajd isákakehs ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d 14od  úYajdi Nx.hla bÈßm;a l, mlaI kdhlhkag Bfha rd;%S l, oekqï§u wkqj fujeks fhdackdjla wo meje;afjk mla‍I kdhl /iaùug bÈßm;a lsÍug taldnoaOh ;SrKh lr ;sfí'

uyskao w.ue;s f,i ms<s.ekSu • l;dkdhlf.a ia:djrh @

flfiafj;;a fuu ;;a;ajh u; úYajdi Nx.h úêu;a l%ufõohg bÈßm;a lsÍug kï uq,skau ckdêm;sjrhd úiska m;a lrk ,o w.ue;sjrhd jk uyskao rdcmlaI uy;d nj ms,s.ekSug l;dkdhljrhdg isÿfõ'

tfia ms<s.ekSfuka miqj tlai;a ck;d ksoyia ikaOdkh wdKavqj f,i o ms<s.ekSug isÿjk w;r iNd kdhljrfhla" wdKavqmlaI ixúOdhljrfhla fukau úmlaIkdhljrfhla úmlaIfha m%Odk ixúOdhljrfhla wd§ ;k;=rej,g mqoa.,hka m;a l< hq;= nj taldnoaO úmlaIfha ia:djrh ù we;'

flfiajqjo l:dkdhl lre chiQßh uy;d Bfha ^15 od& md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ m%ldY lf<a" wdKa‌vqjg tfrysj úYajdiNx. fhdackdj iïu; ùfuka miq weue;s uKa‌v,h úisÍ we;s njhs'  

kj w.ue;sjrhl= iy weue;s uKa‌v,hla‌ m;alrk;=re lsisÿ uka;%Sjrhl= w.ue;s" weue;sjrhl=" rdcH weue;sjrhl= fyda ksfhdacH weue;sjrhl= f,io" iNd kdhl fyda wdKa‌vq mla‍Ifha ixúOdhlhl= f,io ;uka ms<s.kafka ke;ehs Tyq tys§ wjOdrKh lr isáfhah'

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