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jHjia:d úfrdaë wdldrhg md¾,sfïka;=j úiqrjd uyd ue;sjrKhla meje;aùug ckdêm;sjrhd ;SrKh lr we;s njg mqj;a m<ùu;a iuÛ  Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIh ksfhdackh lrk wdik ixúOdhlhka w;r oeä fkdikaiqka;djla we;sj ;sfnk nj jd¾;d fjhs'

ta ckdêm;sjrhd ish l=uka;%K wdKavqj msysgqùu i|yd tlalr.;a Y%S ,xld fmdÿck fmruqKg iïnkaO md¾Yjh bÈßfha meje;afjk iEu ue;sjrKhla i|ydu fmdfydÜgqj ,l=K hgf;a fmdÿck fmruqK kñka fmkS isák njg ks, ksfõokhla ksl=;alr we;s ksidh'

Y%S ,xld fmdÿck fmruqfKa uy f,alï id.r ldßhjiï miq.shod ^06& tu mlaI ld¾hd,fha mej;s udOH yuqjl§ ;u mlaI ;Skaÿj m%isoaO lrkq ,eìK' ta iuÛ Bfha ^07& md¾,sfïka;=j yÈisfha úiqrjd yßkakg ckdêm;sjrhd iQodkï jk nj oek.ekSu yuqfõ wdik ixúOdhlhka ìhg m;aj we;af;a fmdÿck fmruqK ,ehsia;=jlska ue;sjrKhg bÈßm;aùug kdu fhdackd ,enqj;a ch.%yKh lsÍug wjia:dj ,eîu iïnkaOj úYajdihla fkd;sîu ksidh'

fï jk úg;a wdik ixúOdhlhka /ila Y%S,ksm uy f,alï uydpd¾h frdayK ,laIauka mshfiak wu;d fï ms<sn| úuid we;s w;r tys§ Tyq ksYaÑ; ms<s;=rla ,nd§ fkdue;s njo jd¾;d fjhs'

tfiau we;eï ixúOdhlhka ÿrl;kfhka wu;d ,Thd uyskaof.a ñksyd" wka;sug ckdêm;sf.a T¿j;a ld,d mlaIh;a lEjd, lshñka nek ;¾ckh lr we;s njo oek.kakg we;'

fï iïnkaOj woyia olajñka Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaI wdik ixúOdhljrfhl= mjid isáfha  ;uka ckdêm;sjrhd .kq,nk ;Skaÿ ;SrK iïnkaOj oekqj;a Ndjhla fkdue;s nj  mlaI uy f,alïjrhd mjik nj;a  ;Skaÿjla ,efnk ;=re lsisjla m%ldY l, fkdyels njo okajd we;s nj;ah'

flfia jqj;a mlaIfha m%;sixúOdk lghq;= ksis f,i isÿfkdl< miqìul uy ue;sjrKhla le|ùu Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIhg ure myrla úh yels nj;a" mlaIh b;sydifha ,enQ oejeka;u mrdch ,eîug ys; yod.ekSu yer fjk;a lsisjla wfmalaIald l, fkdyels njo Tyq mejiSh'

tfiau fï jk úg;a Y%S,ksm ìï uÜgfï idudðlhkaj fmdfydÜgq idudðlhka w;ska úúO wvkafoÜgï j,g ,laù we;s neúka Tjqka mlaIh iïnkaOj oeä l<lsÍulska miqjk nj;a Y%S,ksmfha .ukl wjidkh yer wka hula fï yuqfõ ;uka jekakkag  olskak fkd,efnk neúka bÈßfha§ foaYmd,k ;Skaÿjla .ekSug fndfyda fofkl= ;Skaÿ lrkq ksh; njo Tyq mjihs'

ÿñkao wirK fj,d `

ta w;r fï jk úg ÿñkao Èidkdhl wud;Hjrhgo .e<jqula fkdue;s ;rï weu;=ï ,efnkakg f.k we;s nj;a jd¾;d fjhs' 

wud;Hjrhdg ióm wdrxÑud¾. i|ykalr isákafka  Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIh /l.ekSu fjkqfjka rdcmlaIjreka iuÛ ;uka we;=¿ msßi wjidkfha foaYmd,k wkd:hka njg m;aj we;s nj mjiñka wud;Hjrhdg o Y%S,ksm wdik ixúOdhlhska ÿla.ekú,s bÈßm;a fjñka we;s njh'

,efnk weu;=ïj,§ ixúOdhlhkaf.a ÿl wid isák wud;Hjrhd bjiSfuka n,d isákjd yer ;ukag;a lrlshd .kakg fohla ke;s nj mjik njo tu wdrxÑud¾. i|yka lrhs'

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