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fydr w.ue;s uyskao rdcmlaI uqo,a yd wd¾:sl lghq;=o ;uka ika;flag f.k fï jk úg kgk msiaiqfõ m%;sm< ,nk jif¾§u ishÆ Y%S,xlslhkag w;a ú£ug isÿ jkq we;s nj wd¾:sl úfYaI{dfhda wk;=re y.jd isà'

oejeka; Kh W.=,l isrj isá rg" wd¾:sl w¾nqOhlg fkdhjd hï l,ukdldß;ajhla Tiafi fufyhajd .ekSug uqo,a weue;s ux., iurùr iu;aj ;sìKs' fï fudfydf;a iq¿ mSvkhla ordf.k isàfuka wkd.;fhaÈ jeä m%;s,dnhla w;am;a lr .ekSug ie,iqï lsÍu isÿj ;sìKs'

2019 jir jk úg remsh,a ì,shk 586 la Kh iy jdßl jYfhka f.ùug isÿj we;s nj;a" th ksoyia Y%S ,xldfõ tla jirla ;=< f.úh hq;= jeäu Kh wdmiq f.ùu f,i;a ie,flk nj uqo,a wud;HdxYh i|yka lr ;sìKs' fuh fï rfÜ wdKavqjla uqyqKmd ;sfnk nrm;,u wNsfhda.hls' tfy;a uyskaof.a fudav ;l;Sre ;Skaÿ ;SrK ksid rg h,s w¾nqOhlg hEu ñila fjklla fkdùug bv ke;s nj wd¾:sl úfYaI{ u;h fõ' tfiau fvd,rfha w.h ;j ÿrg;a by< hEu ;=, m%Yakh nrm;, fjkq we;'

kj wdohï nÿ mk;la f.k tñka úêu;aj ilia l< nÿ m%;sm;a;shg tfrysj hñka uyskao rdcmlaI .e,ßh mskùu fjkqfjka Bfha rd;%sfha f;,a ñ, wvq lsÍu yd NdKav yd fiajd lsysmhla u; mkjd ;snq nÿ m%;sY;hka wvq lr ;sfí' ;uka l< jHjia:d úfrdaê l=uka;%Kh ksid ck;djf.a wm%idohg m;aùu u. yrjd .ekSu fjkqfjka yd bÈß ue;sjrK b,lal lr fï fudav ;l;Sre ;Skaÿj f.k ;sfnk nj meyeÈ,sh'

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