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Y%S ,xldj oekg uqyqK foñka ;sfnk oreKq wúksYaÑ; ;;a;ajh úi|d .ekSu i|yd md¾,sfïka;=j le|jQ ieKska md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ Pkao úuiSula meje;aùu w;HjYH hehs fld<U hqfrdamd ix.ï ld¾hd,h ksfõokhla ksl=;a lrñka i|yka lrhs'

Y%S ,xldfõ hqfrdamd ix.ï ;dkdm;sjrhd" m%xYh" c¾uksh" b;d,sh" fko¾,ka;h" refïkshdj hk rgj, ;dkdm;sjreka" Y%S ,xldfõ n%s;dkHh uy flduidßiajrhd iy fkda¾fõ iy iaúÜi¾,ka; hk rgj, ;dkdm;sjre m%uqL hqfrdamd ix.ï ¥; msßi taldnoaO ksfõokhla ksl=;alrñka ta nj i|yka lr we;' 

Y%S ,xldfõ j;auka foaYmd,k ;;a;ajh iïnkaOfhka fld<U hqfrdamd ix.ï ;dkdm;s ld¾hd,h ksfõokhla ksl=;a l< f;jeks wjia:dj fuh úh' 

fld<U hqfrdamd ix.ï ld¾hd,h ksl=;a l< taldnoaO ksfõokfha fufia o i|yka fõ' 

“hqfrdamd ix.ï ;dkdm;sjrhd" m%xYh" c¾uksh" b;d,sh" fko¾,ka;h" refïkshdj hk rgj, ;dkdm;sjreka" Y%S ,xldfõ n%s;dkHh uy flduidßiajrhd iy fkda¾fõ iy iaúÜi¾,ka;h hk rgj, ;dkdm;sjreka md¾,sfïka;=j le|jk f,i ksfhda. lrñka ksl=;a lr we;s .eiÜ m;%h iïnkaOfhka wjOdkh fhduq lr we;'

j¾;udkfha§ rg uqyqK § ;sfnk oreKq wúksYaÑ; ;;a;aj úi|d .ekSu i|yd md¾,sfïka;=j le|jQ miq md¾,sfïka;=jg tys úYajdih ikd: lsÍu i|yd Pkaohla meje;aùu w;HjYH nj wfma ie<ls,a,g ,laj ;sfí' ;jÿrg;a th m%udo ùu Y%S ,xldj cd;Hka;rfha ,nd ;sfnk lS¾;shg ydks lrkq we;s w;r wdfhdaclhka rgg meñ”ug o j<lajkq we;' 

Y%S ,xldfõ ck;dj m%cd;ka;%jd§ md,kh iy kS;sfha wdêm;Hh u; ;nd ;sfnk úYajdih wLKavj mj;ajdf.k hEu i|yd ishÆ md¾Yj wdKavql%u jHjia:dfõ m%;smdokj,g .re l< hq;= hehs o wms úYajdi lruq”'

wdKavql%u jHjia:djg wkqj lghq;= lrkakehs iy md¾,sfïka;=j le|jkakehs ckdêm;s ffu;%smd, isßfiak uy;df.ka b,a,ñka hqfrdamd ix.uh óg fmr foj;djl§ Y%S ,xldfõ j;auka foaYmd,k ;;a;ajh iïnkaOfhka ksfõok ksl=;a  lr ;sìKs'

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