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rdcmlaI mjqf,a lU weÈ,a,la fya;=fjka fï jk úg jid oud we;s ßúr óähd fldamf¾Ika i;= ßúr mqj;am;a wdh;kfha WmlrK úYd, m%udKhla fhdaIs; rdcmlaIg ys;j;a liqka ÿór iy liqka udÿjf.a hk wh úiska fld,a,lEfï iQodkula iïnkaOj f;dr;=re jd¾;d fjhs'

ta fjkqfjka ßúr mqj;amf;a uQ,a wjÈfha isg jir 13la  fiajh l, m%Odk cdhdrEm l;D pñ, lreKdr;akg iÿod ;¾ckh lr Tyq  i;=j we;s leurd WmlrK n,y;aldrfhka meyer .ekSug  liqka ÿór iy liqka udÿjf.a fykaphshka msßila urK ;¾ckh lrñka W;aiy lr we;s njo oek.kakg we;' tmuKla fkdj fï msßi pñ, lreKdr;akf.a  uj iy mshd Ôj;ajk uykqjr ksjig ÿrl;kfhka wu;d lr ;¾ckh lr we;s nj;a jd¾;d fjhs'

;jo pñ, lreKdr;ak uy;d oekg mÈxÑ f.d;gqj kj k.rfha ksjig Tyq  ksjfia fkdue;s wjia:d lsysmhlu äf*kavr jr.fha Ôma r:hlska lsysm úglau meñK wjg ksfjishka ìh joaod we;s njo jd¾;d jk w;r ta fya;=fjka Tyq fï jk úg;a Ôú;drlaIdj m;d ksjiska msgj isák njo jd¾;d fjhs'  

fï iïnkaOj wm l, úuiqul§ pñ, lreKdr;ak udOHfõÈhd i|yka lr isáfha fï ms<sn|j ;uka  kdrdfyakamsg fmd,sishg meñKs,a,lao bÈßm;a lr we;s njhs'

tfiau wdh;kfha fiajl fiaúldjka i|yka lrk f,ig fï msßi úkh úfrdaë iy uq,H wl%ñl;d fya;=fjka md,k wêldßh u.ska  ßúr mqj;amf;ka bj;a lr isá msßils'

tfiau ßpâ mSßia wdh;kh u.ska 2006 jif¾ wdrïN l, ßúr mqj;am; msgm;a ,laI 3la  olajd wf,ú lr wf,ú jdr;d ;nñka  jir 13 l muK ld,hla ;siafia ,xldfõ m%Odk Odrdfõ mqj;am;la f,i ;sìK nj;a iufha uq,Huh jYfhka lvdjeà ;snq ~ßúr~ udOH cd,hg  kj wdfhdaclhl= f,i meñKs  rdcmlaI mjqf,a ys;aj;shl= jk fld<U kd.ßl uka;%skS m%shxld chfialr uy;añho  fhdaIs; rdcmlaI uy;df.a  ys;j;=ka nj lshk  liqka ÿór iy liqka udÿjf.a iy hk whf.a flfkfy,s lï ksid mqj;am; w;yer oud we;s nj;a Tjqka fmkajd fohs'

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