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mj;sk foaYmd,k  w¾nqoh §¾> fjk iEu Èkhla mdidu rfÜ iEu mqoa.,fhl=gu remsh,a 100l muK wu;r jeh nrla orkakg isÿjk nj md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S  mdG,S pïmsl rKjl mjihs'mdG,S pïmsl uka;%Sjrhd Bfha ^07& fï woyia m<lf,a ish  f*ianqla msgqj yryd úfYaI  m%ldYhla ,nd foñks'

tys§ jeäÿrg;a woyia oelajQ rKjl uka;%Sjrhd"

,miq.shod Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha uyd iuq¿j wu;d ckdêm;s;=ud m%ldY l<d w¾nqoh Èk y;lska úi|k nj' ta fï w¾nqoh ks¾udKh lf<a rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d njhs t;=ud fpdaokd lf<a' t;=ud úiska u;l ;nd .; hq;= lreKq lsysmhla ;sfhkjd'

tlla ;uhs" fï w¾nqoh §¾> fjk iEu Èkhla mdidu remsh,a ñ,shk 2000lg wêl m%udKhla" ta lshkafka fï rfÜ iEu mqoa.,fhl=gu remsh,a 100l muK wu;r jeh nrla fï w¾nqofha ks¾udmlfhd úiska ,nd § we;s nj' ÿ.S ÿmam;a ck;djg kï fïl tl fõ,la lEug jeh jk uqo,' ta ksid fï jHjia:dj iuÛ" kS;sh iuÛ isÿ lrk fï fi,a,u jydu k;r lsÍug ckdêm;s;=ud lghq;= l< hq;=hs'

we;a;gu fï w¾nqoh ks¾udKh lf<a ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;dhs' Tyq th ks¾udKh lf<a rfÜ ckdêm;s wfmala‍Ilhd ùfï wruqKska' ta fmdfydÜgq mla‍Ifha wfmalaIlhd f,i' ta 14"15" yd 16 Èkj," md¾,sfïka;=fõ§ uyskao rdcmla‍I uy;df.a md,khg tfrysj iïu; lrk ,o úYajdiNx. fhdackdj iïnkaOfhka ckdêm;sjrhd;a rdcmla‍I l,a,sh;a m%ldY lf<a iudk u;hla' ta ;uhs th kS;s úfrdaë nj' th jHjia:djg tfrys nj' th md¾,sfïka;=fõ ia:djr ksfhda.j,g mgyeks nj' uq,ska m%ldY lf<a md¾,sfïka;=fõ yekaidâ jd¾;dfõ fï lsisjla i|yka fkdjk nj' fojkqj m%ldY lf<a yekaidâ jd¾;dj ksl=;a jQ miq" th fjí wvúfhka ishÆ fokdg oek .kakg ie,iqKq miq th l+g f,aLkhla nj'

l+g f,aLk ms,sn| l=m%lg b;sydihla ;sfnk pß; lsysmhla úiska ;ukag Wmamekak iy;sl fydrg yomq wh" ;ukaf.a fkdjk fplam;a j,ska m%fldaá .Kka jxpd lrmq wh" úúO wh fjkqfjka wefgdaks n,m;% wrf.k tajdhska m%fldaá .Kka Okh Wmhd.;a ;lalä /,la ;uhs fï l+g f,aLk .ek ck;djg lreKq olajñka bkafka' oeka ta W.=f,a uyskao rdcmla‍I uy;d;a yiqù yudrhs'

flfia fj;;a wNshdpkdêlrKh úiska ,nd ÿka kvq ;Skaÿj;a ta fYa%IaGdêlrKh úiska ,nd ÿka w;=re ;ykï ksfhda.h;a wm úiska È.ska È.gu mqk mqkd m%ldY l< foa" tkï ckdêm;sjrhd w.%dud;H rks,a úl%uisxy uy;d bj;a lsÍu;a" uyskao rdcmla‍I uy;d w.ue;s OQrhg m;a lsÍu;a iïmQ¾Kfhkau kS;s úfrdaë nj oekgu;a iy;sl fldg ;sfnkjd'

ta md¾,sfïka;=j úiqrejd yeÍug ckdêm;sjrhdg n,hla fkdue;s nj;a ta w;=re ;ykï ksfhda.h u.ska lsishï ÿrlg fYa%IaGdêlrKh ;yjqre fldg ;sfnkjd',

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