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rxf.a nKavdr uka;%Sjrhdg muKla fkdj ;j;a uka;%Sjre tlish úis ;=kafofkl=g tia' î' Èidkdhl uy;d tf,i ÿrl:k weu;=ï ,nd§ we;ehs md'u ffjoH k,skao ch;siai uy;d mejiSh'

,j;auka foaYmd,kh w¾nqoh iy ck;d úuqla;s fmruqfKa NQñldj,  uefhka  Bfha uykqjr iqj ueÿr Yd,dfõ§ mej;s ckyuqjl§ md¾,sfïka;= uka;%S ffjoH k,skao ch;siai uy;d fï nj i|yka lf<ah'

tysÈ jeäÿrg;a Tyq ioyka lr isáfha"

mlaI udre lsÍu i|yd uqo,a ,nd§ wdrdOkd lsÍfï  isoaêhla md,s; rxf.a nKavdr uka;%Sjrhd È.ska È.gu fy<s l<;a Tyqf.a fjk;a f;dr;=re /ila fy<s lrk njg fmdÿ ck fmruqK l< ksfõokhlska miq jydu md,s; rxf.a nKavdr ksyvjQ nj Tyq ioyka lf<ah'

mlaI udre lsÍu i|yd wdrdOkd ,en  uQ,sl w;a;sldrï ,enqKq we;eï uka;%Sjre uqo,a .Kka  lsÍu i|yd hka;% mjd wrf.k isá  nj;a tjka úYd, uqo,a fld< m%udKhla uqo,a w;ska .Kka lrkakg meh lsysmhla .;jk neúka iuyr uka;%Sjreka uqo,a .Kka lsÍug fukau ,efnk uqo,a jHdc fkdjk uqo,a oehs oek.ekSu i|yd l%ufõo ilia lr ;snqK njo tysÈ ioyka lf<ah'

remsh,a fldaá 50g úl=Kqkq we;eï uka;%Sjrekag remsh,a fldaá 20 l w;a;sldrï uqo,la muKla ,nd§ b;sß uqo, ysñfjk  wud;HOqrh Tiafia Wmhd .kakd f,io Wmfoia ,eî we;s njo uka;%sjrhd jeäÿrg;a lsh''

jika; fiakdkdhl mlaI udre lrk wdldrhg Tyq Èjx.; w.%dud;H ã'tia'fiakdkdhlf.a uqKqnqre  fkdj ã'tia'fiakdkdhlhkaf.a wYajhdf.a uqKqnqrd úh hq;= hehs o kj w.%dud;Hjrfhl= m;alsÍu m%cd;ka;%jdohg mhska .yk ,o l=uka;%Khla jYfhka yeÈkaúh yels nj;a ls ta uy;d  fïl yuqod l=uka;%Khla fkdjkafka ks, we÷ï we|.;a yuqod Nghka fkdue;s ksid nj;a tfia   fkdue;skï fuh iïmQ¾Kfhkau l=uka;%Khla njo uka;%sjrhd tysÈ lsh'

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