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;ukag jvd jhiska jeäuy¿ ldka;djka iu. iïnkaO;d we;s lr.kak oeka ldf,a ;reKhka ;=, ;sfnkafka úYd, Wkkaÿjla'

ird.S fmkqu

;reKhka wdl¾IKh jkafka jeäuy¿ jqj;a ;u ;reK fmkqu /l f.k isák ldka;djka fj;hs' th Tjqkaf.a wd;au úYajdih j¾Okh lrjkakla'

msßñkag yßhgu wjYH fudkjdoehs Tjqka oek isàu fuys§ jvd;au lemS fmfkkafka ,;ajh yd ne÷Kq lghq;= ms<sn|j jeäuy,a ldka;djka ;=, mj;sk oekquhs' fujka wh iu. iïnkaO;d mj;ajk ;reKhka ;ju;a isákafka tjka foaj,a ms,sn| bf.k .ksñka' ta ksid jeäuy¿ ldka;djka weiqre lsÍfuka ,efnk oekqug iy w;aoelSïj,g Tjqka m%sh lrkjd'

mSvkhla fkdue;s ùu

idudkHfhka iïnkaO;djl§ ;reKfhlag ú¢kakg fjk mSvkh úYd,hs' uqo,a fidhd.ekSu" ;u iyldßhf.a wjYH;djka imqrd,Su wd§ fndfyda oE idudkH iïnkaO;djla ;=,§ Tyqg bgq lsÍug isÿjkjd' tfy;a jeäuy¿ ldka;djl wdY%h lsÍfï§ fndfyda úg isÿ jkafka weh úiska Tyqg Woõ Wmldr lsÍuhs'

,;ajh ms,sn| woyia yqjudre lr.ekSu
jeäuy¿ ldka;djla iu. ,;ajh ms,sn| ´kEu fohla l;d ny lsÍug ;reKfhl=g yelshdj ;sfnkjd' w;aoelSï lsisjla ke;s ;reKshla ;=, mj;sk ,eÊcdj" inflda,h iy ìh fuu ldka;djka ;=, fkdue;s ùu thg fya;=jhs'

m%Yxid ,eîu

jeäuy¿ ldka;djka ;uka wdY%h lrk ;reKhka flfrys olajkafka uDÿ ie,ls,a,la' iujhfia ;reKshla fyda jhiska nd, ;reKshla wdY%h lrkjdg jvd th kjuq w;aoelSula'

, w;aoelSï ,nd .ekSu

,;ajh ms,sn| fuu ldka;djkag fmr ,nd.;a w;aoelSï ;sfnkjd' nrm;, foaj,a ms,sn| fkdis;d ;reKfhla iu. , w;aoelSïj,ska weh úfkdaojkjd fukau ta ;reKhdg;a thska úfkdaohla ,efnkjd'

nrm;, foaj,a ms,sn| fkdis;Su

Ôú;h ms,sn| we;s w;aoelSï ksidu jeäuy¿ ldka;djka ;ukaf.a iïnkaO;d foi jvd h;d¾:jd§j ne,Sug yqre ù isákjd' ta ksid ;reKfhla iu. ´kEjg jeä udkisl iïnkaO;d f.dv k.d .kafka ke;sj iïnkaO;djla f.k hkafka flfiaoehs Tjqka yßhgu oek isákjd'

wd;au úYajdih

kj fhdjqka ;reKshlg jvd jeäuy¿ ldka;djla i;=j ;sfnk wd;au úYajdihg ;reKhka m%sh lrkjd' tu wd;au úYajdih ldka;djkag ,efnkafka Tjqkaf.a Ôjk w;aoelSïj,skqhs'

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