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fudKrd., m%foaYfha rcfha úoHd,hl b;sydi .=rejfrfhla yd fm!oa.,sl Wmldrl mx;s .=rejrfhl= Bfha rd;%sfha fudkrd., fmd,Sish w;a wvx.=jg .ekSfuka wk;=rej ^25& Èkfha Tjqka ,nk ui 03 fjksod olajd rlaIs; nkaOkd.dr.; lrkq ,eîh'

fudjqka fudKrd., uOqrleáh úoHd,fha b;sydih .=rejrhd jk yIdka r;akdhl yd iqfk;a m%shkal fyÜáf.dv keu;s whj¿ka fõ'

fudKrd., fldÜGdY wmrdO úu¾Yk tallh fuu iellrejka fofokd w;awvx.=jg f.k we;s w;r b;sydih úIh W.kajk  .=rejrhd ;u ìß|j fmdf<dkakrej m%foaYfha ish foudmshkaf.a ksjfia kj;d oeßhj Tyqf.a ksjig f.kajdf.k ¥IKh lr ;sfnk nj;a miqj tu oeßh Tyqf.a áhqIka ñ;=frl= jk wfkla iellreg , ld¾h i|yd ,nd § we;s nj;a wkdjrKh ù ;sfnkjd'

miqj tu áhqIka .=rejrhd fuu oeßh fudKrd., k.rfha m%Odk lksIaG úoHd,hla wdikakfha we;s ,e.=ïy,lg /f.k f.dia tu oeßh iu. ,sx.slj yeisfrk o¾Yk ;u cx.u ÿrl:kfhka ùãfhda .; lrf.k f*ianqla fj; ksoyia lr ;sfnk nj wkdjrKh ù ;snqKd'

ielldr .=rejreka fom< óg wu;rj ;j;a oeßhka /ila wmfhdackhg ,la lr ;sfnk njo isÿ l< úu¾Ykj,§ wkdjrKh fjñka we;ehs fudKrd., fmd,sish mjikjd' ;jo fudkrd., l,dmfha olaI;u .=rejrhd f,i ckdêm;s iïudk ,nd we;s yIdka r;akdhl W!j ysgmq m%Odk wud;H YISkao% rdcmlaIf.a ióm;ul ysf;j;=l=o fõ' ysgmq ckdêm;s uyskao rdcmlaI iydh m,lrk Y%S ,xld fmdÿck fmruqfKa l%shdldÍ idudðlhska jk fï mqoa.,hska ish foaYmd,k n,h fmkajd m%foaYfha lghq;= lrk njo wkdjrK‍h ù ;sfí'

fï ms<snoj iudc cd,dj yqjudrejkafka fujekakls

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