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l=uka;%K wdKavqjg tlaj iyh fok f,i  wud;H ufkda .fkaIka we;=¿ o%úv m%.;sYS,S ikaOdkhg ckdêm;sjrhd úiska isÿl< wdrdOkh m%;slafIam l< nj tys kdhl wud;H ufkda .fkaIka i|yka lrhs'

jd¾;d jk wdldrhg ;uka uqK.eiSug meñfKk f,i ckdêm;s isßfiak wud;H ufkda .fkaIka fj; wdrdOkd lr we;s w;r ta wkqj wud;Hjrhd m%uqL lKavdhu wo ^07& ckdêm;s ksid ksfjfia§ yuqj isÿj we;'

;yjqre l< wdrxÑud¾. i|yka lrk f,i tys§ ckdêm;sjrhd fhdackd ;=kla ufkda .fkaIka wud;Hjrhd m%uqL msßig fhduqlr we;'

ta wkqj ckdêm;sjrhdf.a m<uq fhdackdj ù we;af;a wud;H ufkda .fkaIka we;=¿ o%úv m%.;sYS,S ikaOdkfha md¾,sfïka;=j ksfhdackh lrk  6 fofkl=f.ka hq;= lKavdhu isßfiak - uyskao wdKavqjg iyh§ tys wud;HOqr ,nd.kakd f,ih' 

ckdêm;sjrhdf.a fuu m<uq b,a,Su ufkda .fkaIka m%uqL msßi tl fy<du m%;slafIam lr we;' tys§ lsisfia;au m%cd;ka;% úfrdaë yeisÍug iyh §ug fkdyels nj Tjqka ckdêmam;s isßfiakg wjOdrKh lr we;'

tys§ kej;;a fojk fhdackdj bÈßm;a lrñka isßfiak ckdêm;s isßfiak mjid we;af;a hï wdldrhlska md¾,sfïka;=j ;=< úYajdiNx. fhdackdjla bÈßm;a l<fyd;a tys§ ckaoh §fuka je<lS isák f,ih'

ckdêm;s isßfiakf.a tu fhdackdjo wud;H ufkda .fkaIka m%uqL msßi tlfy<du m%;slafIam lr we;'

miqj ckdêm;s isßfiak fhdackd lr we;af;a hï lsis wdldrhlska úYajdiNx. fhdackdjla ch .kakg tlai;a cd;sl fmruqKg wjia:dj ,enqKfyd;a tys§ rks,a úl%uisxy kej; w.%dud;H Oqrhg m;aùu j<lajd .ekSug iyh fok f,ih'

fuys§ ufkda .fkaIka wud;Hjrhd m%uqL ksfhdað; msßi i|yka lr we;af;a ,tjeks tlÛ;djla fï fudfydf;a fldfy;au ,ndÈh fkdyels nj;a" th ckdêm;s iuÛ idlÉPd lr .kakd ;Skaÿjla fkdj ;u mlaIh úiska idlÉPd lr .;hq;= ;Skaÿjla njh'

isßfiak hkafk fldhs mdf¾ • rdcmlaI .sh mdf¾ 

fuhska fmkS hkafka ckdêm;sjrhd fï jk úg ish fm!oa.,sl wNs,dYh u;  tlai;a cd;sl fmruqK ksfhdackh lrk md¾Yj le|jd th iM, lr .ekSfï W;aidyhl ksr;j isák njh' tfy;a wud;H ufkda .fkaIka md¾Yjh th m%;slafIam lsÍu ksid ta W;aidyh jH¾;j f.dia we;' tmuKla fkdj ^05& ckdêm;s isßfiak md¾,sfïka;= jg rjqfï isg uy yhsfhka rgg lshd we;af;a mÜgm,a fndrejla njo fï yryd Tmamq fjhs' 

tkï fï jk úg;a isßfiak ) uyskao l=uka;%K wdKavqjg 113 l md¾,sfïka;=fõ nyq;r n,h we;ehs mejiSuh'

tod rdcmlaI frÔuhg wod<j mej;s fpdaokdjla jQfha m%cd;ka;% úfrdaë wdldrhg uka;%Sjreka ì<snd .ekSuh' tfy;a fï jk úg isßfiak ckdêm;s taldêm;s úhrefõ ;j;a mshjrla bÈßhg ;nd we;' ta mlaI wNHka;r ;Skaÿ ;SrK;a ;u fm!oa.,sl wfmalaIdjkag wjYH wdldrhg yiqrjkak mgka' 

fï iïnkaOj ufkda .fkaIka wud;Hjrhd ;nd ;snQ Üùg¾ igyk my; oelafõ'

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