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ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;d úiska Bfha ^28& ksl=;a lrk ,o wud;HdxY úIh m: i|yka wxl 2103/33 orK w;s úfYaI .eiÜ m;%h wkqj" Y%S ,xld fg,sfldï wdh;kh iy Y%S ,xlka thd¾ ,hskaia iud.u iy fjdag¾ia tÊ ^Waters Edge Hotel& wdh;kh lsisÿ wud;HdxYhla hg;g mjrd fkdue;' 

uyskao rdcmlaI uy;df.a w.%dud;H Oqrfhka hq;a rch i|yd ckdêm;sjrhd 2018'11'09 jk Èk ksl=;a l< wxl 2096/68 orK w;s úfYaI .eiÜ m;%fhka Y%S ,xld fg,sfldï wdh;kh ;eme,a yd úÿ,s ixfoaY wud;HdxYh hg;g m;a lr ;sìKs' tfy;a fujr th úÿ,s ixfoaY" úfoaY /lshd iy l%Svd wud;HdxYh hgf;a fyda fjk;a wud;HdxYhla hgf;a .eiÜ lr fkdue;'

tfiau uyskao rdcmlaI uy;df.a rch fjkqfjka 2018'11'05 Èk ksl=;a flreKq wxl 2096$17 w;s úfYaI .eiÜ ksfõokfhka Y%S ,xlka thd¾ ,hska iud.u iy ñyska ,xld iud.u m%jdyk yd isú,a .=jka fiajd wud;HdxYh hg;g mjrd ;snqK;a fujr th tu wud;HdxYh hgf;a fyda fjk;a wud;HdxYhla hgf;a .eiÜ lr fkdue;s nj fmfka'

tfiau óg fmr uyk.r iy niakdysr ixj¾Ok wud;HxYh hg;g mjrd ;snq fjdag¾ia tÊ wdh;kh o tu wud;HdxYh hgf;a fyda fjk;a wud;HdxYhla hgf;a .eiÜ lr fkdue;s nj fmfka'

fuu wdh;k ;=ku w;s úYd, jYfhka uqo,a .kqfokq isÿjk wdh;k jk w;r Y%S ,xld fg,sfldï wdh;kfha iNdm;sjrhd jkafka ckdêm;s ffu;%Smd, isßfiak uy;df.a fidhqre l=udrisxy isßfiak uy;d ùu o úfYaI;ajhls'

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