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l=uka;%KldÍ f,i wdKavq n,h w,a,d .ekSug oeÛ¨ rdcmlaI  n,fmf¾; kvh bka mrdch ùfuka miqj;a lsisÿ ú,s ,eÊcdjla ke;sj  ;ju;a fldfy fyda t,a,S isáug j,slñka ;sfí''tys fyd|u WodyrKh  iajdëk rEmjdyskS wdh;khhhs'

wdKavqn,h tlai;a cd;sl mlaIhg ysñ jQjo ckudOH weue;s ux., iurùr jqjo  ;ju;a whs à tka md,kh lrfka rdcmlaI b÷,a f,djk fmdfydÜ‍gq l,a,sfha  lsysm fofkl= úiskah'

kj wdKavqj m;a jqjo  tjlg ks;Hdkql+,j m;a j isá iNdm;s;=ñh yer fiiq ks,OdÍka lsisjl=g fuf;la wdh;kh ;=,g we;=Æùug fï n;a ne,hka bv ,nd § ke;'

Bfha Èkfha§o  wdh;kfha m%Odk úOdhl ks<OdÍ pkaok ;s,lr;ak uy;dg wdh;khg we;=Æ ùug fï n;a ne, uerhka bv ÿkafk ke;' wo Èk fiiq ks,OdÍka meñfKa;ehs ielfhka WoEik isg Woaf>daIKhlg iy myr §ug fï uerhka iQodkïj isg we;'

fï uer l,a,sh uqÆukskau neis,a rdcmlaIf.a i,a,s j,ska kv;a;= jk msßils' wdh;kfha n,h ;j ÿrg;a w,a,df.k isáwk f,i neis,a rdcmlaI § we;s Wmfoia wkqj iqo¾uka ro<sh f.dv " ixÔj tÈßudkak" ksfrdaIka fma%ur;ak hk wh fï  kS;s úfrdaë ld<lkaks lghq;a;g w; .id we;' fuys§ uq,sl úhoï fjkqfjka ñ,shk 50 l uqo,la  ixÔj tÈßudkak w;g ,nd § we;ehs mejefia' Bg wu;rj neis,af. fmdfrdkaÿj ù ;sfnkafka fï kS;s úfrdaê lghq;a; ksid hï úÈylska /lshdj w;a ys‍gqùulg ,la jQj fyd;a remsh,a ñ,shkh .dfka f.jk njh'  tfiau h<s rdcmlaI wdKavqjla hgf;a /lshdj ,nd fok njh'

Bfha iy wo Èk Woaf>daIK fufyh ùu fjkqfjka  re 25"000 isg 50"000 olajd uqo,a f.ùula 12 fofkl=g isÿ lro ;sfí'

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