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b;sydifha m<uq j;djg Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaIfha vd¾,s mdf¾ msysá mlaI uq,ia:dkh iS,a ;nd jidoukak fya;=jQfha ckdêm;s isßfiakf.a ielh ñi j¾I wjidk ksjdvqjla fkdjk nj Y%S,ksm wNHka;r wdrxÑud¾. mjihs'

mlaI n,h ;ukag wysñj pkao%sld nKavdrkdhl l=udr;=x. fj; ysñfõ hk oeä NS;shlska ckdêm;s isßfiak miqjk nj;a ta ksidu fï jk úg mlaIh wu;k iEu fudfyd;lu pkao%sld ysgmq ckdêm;skshg nekSu isßfiak ckdêm;sf.a m%Odk lghq;a;la ù we;s nj;a tu wdrxÑud¾. mjihs'

ckdêm;s isßfiak mlaI wdrlaId lsÍu fjkqjg n, ;Kaydfjka lghq;= lsÍu yuqfõ ;laIh ;=< l|jqre lsysmhla ìysjQ nj;a wo jk úg mlaI uq,ia:dkh jid iS,a ;eîug isßfiak ckdêm;s kshulr we;af;a jir ;=kl ld,hla ;siafia rdcmlaI l,a,sh yuqfõ mlaIh;a isßfiak ckdêm;s;a wdrlaId lr.;a msßig yuqùfï wjia:dj wysñ lsÍug njo tu wdrxÑ ud¾. fmkajd fohs'

tfiau Y%S ,xld ksoyia mlaI uQ,ia:dkhg uqo%d ;enQ njg m<jk jd¾;d wi;H nj ksoyia mlaI uy f,alï" uydpd¾h frdayK ,laIauka mshodi mjik l;dfõ lsisu i;H;djla fkdue;s nj;a tu wdrxÑud¾. fmkajdfohs'

mlaI uQ,ia:dkfha fiajh lrk fiajlhkag jd¾Isl ksjdvq ,nd §u jeks iqrx.kd l;d foaYmd,kh .ek oekqj;a lsisjl=;a úYajdi fkdlrk nj;a uka;%Sjreka fld<ôka neyerj isàu mlaI uq,ia:dkh lsisfjl=g fyda we;=,aùug fkdyels f,i iS, ;nd jeiSug ;rï fya;=jla fkdjk njo mjihs'

;jo mlaI uy f,alï mshodi hkq Y%S,ksm m%;smam;a;s fyda mlaIh fjkqfjka orÈh we§ wfhl= fkdjk nj;a rdcmlaI iufha ck;d iólaIK lshñka iEu ckaohlu rdcmlaI Èkk nj mejiSu yer Tyq mlaIhg l, fohla fkdue;s njgo mlaI wNHka;rh fpdaokd k.hs'

ta ksidu wdik ixúOdhlhkaf.a yuqj wjia:dfõ mlaI uy f,alï .=áfkdld fírefKa hka;ñka nj i|yka lrk tu wdrxÑud¾. jeäÿrg;a i|yka lr isákafka mlaI uq,ia:dkh jid ;eîug isÿjk ;ekg jev lghq;= isÿl, Woúh wo ta nj jix lsÍug ork m%h;akh .f,a meyerE n<f,l= isys.kajk njh'

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